Strategic Planning for Credit Unions

A Real, Working Plan

ISL’s planning process produces a real, working plan – not a shelf ornament.  Three concrete end products are produced at the end of each annual planning process.


ISL4page-summary-1203bEnd Product #1: Complete Strategic Plan Document for Board Adoption  – All of the work completed during the planning process, including a Strategic Planning Session summary, the Operational Plan, and supporting details for the Strategic Scorecard.


End Product #2: Custom-branded Strategic Plan Executive Summary – A four-page, booklet-style, professionally-designed summary designed for quick reference throughout the year and to communicate the plan to staff.


End Product #3: Strategic Planning Quarterly Report   – A “fill-in-the-blanks” template to update the Board each quarter on Strategic Scorecard results and Operational Plan status. 


The Most Important End Product:  The Strategic Scorecard

Included in all three documents, the Strategic Scorecard is the single most important final product. It’s the key element board and management will come back to throughout the year to track strategic progress and gauge strategic success.